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Madhya Pradesh emerged as one of the top shopping destinations for Home, Kitchen, and Outdoors products on

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Madhya Pradesh witnessed an 80% spike in demand for cricket essentials, with bats alone growing at times YoY

New Delhi: E-commerce platform Amazon saw over 25% Year on Year (YoY) growth across home, kitchen, and outdoors businesses in Madhya Pradesh and Indore, the company announced in a press release on Tuesday.

Madhya Pradesh witnessed an 80% spike in demand for cricket essentials, with bats alone growing at times YoY. Demand for solar products surged over 100% YoY, and robotic vacuums and accessories saw an increase of over 50%. Demand for dressing tables surged by 135%, for folding chairs by 110%, for bars by 70%, and home gym setups especially home treadmills rose over 50% YoY. Yoga essentials grew by 75% YoY.

Indore saw more than 100% YoY growth in the consumption of cleaning supplies, 65% YoY demand for solar products, robotic vacuums, and accessories an increase of over 70%, and a 35% YoY growth across the large furniture category along with a 50% increase in demand for swimming products.

Digital door locks, video doorbells, and security cameras saw an increase of 60% YoY in the state.  With close to 45% YoY increase in demand for agriculture tools

“As more customers embrace online shopping for their Home, Kitchen, and Outdoors needs, we are witnessing a significant shift towards healthier, cleaner, and more convenient lifestyles leading to a double-digit growth YoY across Madhya Pradesh and Indore,” said K N Srikanth, Director, Home, Kitchen and Outdoors, Amazon India. has nearly 58,500 sellers from Madhya Pradesh including 18,800 sellers from Indore.

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