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ISCF discusses the Green Agenda

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The second day of India Shopping Centre Forum (ISCF) provided a practical understanding of the green development approach leading by examples and international case studies during one of its sessions.

Sustainable development requires an understanding of the consumer, says Lewis Allen, director, environments, Portland Design, UK. He also says that it is important to recognise the role of local businesses and shopping centres should allow for many moods within one space. According to him, shopping centres need to create an ambience that allows people to do things that gives them the convenience and comfort of their home. He describes the experiential factor using terms such as discovering, learning, socializing, etc.

The need for right sizing of air conditioning equipment, remote monitoring and data mining were among important green building aspects emphasised by KPS Ramesh, principal HVAC Consultant, air treatment engineering & founder member of Indian Green Building Council. Tanmay Tathagat, principal, environmental design solutions, shared insightful information on sustainable design and energy efficiency integration in built environment from his rich experience in Asia, Africa and the US. In India, Tathagat has lead the development of the Energy Conservation Building Codes (ECBC), Eco-Housing Program, Energy Efficiency Standards and Labeling for Appliances (BEE Labels) and some of the highest performance and LEED rated buildings.

Mukund Vasudevan, country head, Pentair Inc, provided an overview on water efficiency to include techniques for water reuse and reduction of water consumption and water losses. Citing the example of Arvind Mills that recycles 100 per cent of its waste water, he stressed that if an industrial set up with all its chemical waste could do it, water efficiency solutions can definitely be implemented by shopping centres.

Unlike the building industry, ecological products do not save money but in fact, can help you make more of it. Addressing that not just buildings but even products can be green, Dilip Kapur, president, Hidesign said that it is an ideological choice you make. He said that ecological products are more expensive to make and are also more time consuming but that can be counteracted with focusing on product uniqueness, greater warmth and luxury to turn around the disadvantages and get a higher price factor. He also observed that the customer reacts well to the health factor associated with green products.

— Soma Chaturvedi

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