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“We believe in steady and profitable expansion”

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HyperCity Retail India Ltd, part of multi format retailer Shoppers Stop Ltd, is high on its reasonably-paced expansion for at least three hypermarkets in the financial year 2009-10.

Taking into account the recent market conditions, HyperCity, with a total four outlets for now, has plans to expand methodically both in shopping centres as well as in stand-alone formats in key locations of major cities. The chain’s gourmet food format, GourmetCITY, has also been receiving recognition from Indian and international observers for its unique propositions. In an exclusive interview with Indiaretailing, Ashutosh Chakradeo, Business Head – Food & Grocery, HyperCity Retail India shares his personal beliefs and visions on the business.

Chakradeo brings with him an amalgamation of knowledge and expertise in merchandise management across categories over the last 11 years of working in the retail industry. A Post Graduate in International Trade, Chakradeo had worked with Bombay Store as a part of its B&M team for a period of seven years and then worked for Arcus from 2002 to 2004 as Category Manager for its Home Improvement Division before joining HyperCITY in 2004.

IndiaRetailing (IR): What is the driving philosophy that leads the internal systems at your retail operation?
Ashutosh Chakradeo (AC): HyperCity is promised to provide the international shopping experience of the hypermarket format to its customers with an extensive product range that varies from foods, home-ware, home entertainment, hi-tech, appliances, furniture, sports, toys and clothing. With a vision of ‘Bird’s eye view’ to create extravagant retail experience, HyperCity aims to create a globally competitive retail organisation to achieve profitable growth for our customers, employees and share holders as well.

IR: While taking your retail operation forward in the Indian context, what is the biggest learning from the current slowdown?
AC: HyperCity’s retail philosophy lies in giving an international taste of shopping to Indian customers, but in the way that they want it. Therefore, our experience helps us to act on the values of “Think Global but Act Local”, then “Innovate and differentiate” from others and finally, “Do not compromise on quality for Value”.

IR: Your personal vision when it comes to leading your retail team.
AC: I am very fortunate to lead a young and ambitious retail team at HyperCity. I believe in my team and the capabilities of my team members. As a leader, I always make it sure that the team focuses on the detail of the project, delivers it on time and adapts or accepts changes accordingly.

HyperCity’s retail philosophy lies in giving an international taste of shopping to Indian customers, but in the way that they want it.

IR: Given the two schools of thought that are currently dominating the Indian retail industry – ‘aggressive expansion’ versus ‘slow but steady expansion’ – which has attracted you as your own retail strategy?
AC: The second one; because for us we have always believed in the theory of a ‘Steady and Profitable’ expansion. We believe that the Indian retail industry is still young, where the market and the customers are invariably evolving, and thus there is enough room for everyone. I therefore, believe it is very important and necessary for us to have an effectively operational expansion plan which can deliver efficiently and also turns profitable at the same time.

IR: What does the term ‘powerful retailer’ mean to you? According to you, who are the three most ‘powerful retailers’ in the world and why.
AC: For me a ‘powerful’ retailer is someone who through his work has contributed to the growth of the industry as a whole – in the home ground as well as internationally.

In my vision the three most ‘Powerful retailers’ in the context of the world’s retail scenario would be:

B.S. Nagesh, vice chairman, Shopper’s Stop Limited — For defining the Indian retail industry and putting it on the global map.

Kishore Biyani, managing director, Pantaloon Retail (India) Limited and the Group CEO of Future Group — For creating the country’s largest home grown retail organisation.

Andrew Levermore, former CEO, HyperCity Retail India Limited — For his leadership and vision in creating HyperCity as it is today.

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