Mahindra Retail has recently launched its Mom & Me store in Noida. Located at the Great India Place mall, the store is spread across an area of 2,900 sq.ft. Mom & Me stores have been built around the unique needs of mothers to be, young mothers, infants and children up to the age of nine.
K Venkataraman, MD, Mahindra Retail Pvt Ltd, said, “Noida is an important market for us and it will play an integral role in our overall growth strategy. The store in Noida will strengthen our foothold in North India.”
The company says that Mom & Me stores have the world’s best brands in various categories as well as private labels in order to bring products like ethnic fashion for women, infant apparel, and traditional Indian toys to their stores for the benefit of the Indian consumer.
The stores are staffed with “supermoms” – mothers who can advise customers about the right products to select, as well as guide them with usage instructions.
The stores are equipped with facilities such as a separate play area for kids, private feeding rooms, nappy changing facilities, extra-wide aisles, seating area for customers to relax, and reading rooms stocked with pregnancy- and parenting-related books.
Mom & Me now has presence in Delhi, Noida, Mumbai, Pune, Ahmedabad, Ghaziabad, Ludhiana, Bangalore, Vadodara, Vizag, Mangalore, Chandigarh, Chennai, Indore and Hyderabad.
– IndiaRetailing Bureau