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Pepperfry.Com Launches Mobile Site

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Online Furniture and Home destination website has announced launch of a "mobile" site that will give users a virtual touch and feel experience. It is  specifically designed to show-case the furniture and home products available and also to highlight the relevant features that consumers are interested in while browsing. Pepperfry’s mobile site, which gives users an app like experience, can be surfed on any web browser, any mobile device and has a fluid and responsive design.

With novel features like thumb spacing and screen fitting layout, Pepperfry’s mobile site has been designed to give an easy to use and streamlined experience to its customers. 

“With the number of mobile internet users rising every day, Pepperfry’s idea behind launching a mobile site is to bring the product closer to the customer and enhance the experience of furniture and home-products shopping on-the-go. Our customers are evolved internet users who are heavy users of mobile-devices [even more than desktop] for consuming content, communicating, social networking and even shopping. We want to make their experience of browsing and shopping for furniture and home products not just easy but enjoyable and addictive. Close to 30% of our traffic is already comprised of mobile browsing and it will continue to go up in the coming years. We are sure that with our best-in-class mobile site, we will be able to provide our most loyal and evolved customers an experience that is convenient and always-present.” said Kashyap Vadapalli, Chief Marketing Officer, 

"By the end of the year we expect to get to more than a million unique mobile visits per month and we are confident that the digital world will recognize the superior design and user-experience that we are providing, " Vadapalli added.

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