Daughter of badminton champion Prakash Padukone, Deepika Padukone was born in Denmark and was an established model before Farah Khan introduced her to Bollywood. A national level badminton player, the 27-year-old may still be very young to ask for beauty maintenance and secrets. Her youth and genes have given her all that in abundance.
Cleansing toning and moisturising is critical
Healthy skin needs mild cleansing, for which I use gentle soaps. I use products that are mild. Rather than regular facials, I indulge in clean-up sessions once in a while. As a ritual, I enjoy a body massage with lukewarm coconut or baby oil twice a week, if my schedule permits.
The sun screen is your best friend!
I use plenty of sunscreen because prevention is better than cure. Many people are unaware of the effects of the sun on their skin and if I had to pick a product I use the most, it would have to be my sunscreen. And I always carry more than one bottle of it, in case I lose one, if I am traveling.
I need only three things
And they are moisturiser, lots of water and the Neutrogena sunscreen. For make-up, I stick to basics like mascara, a Neutrogena lip balm with SPF and a neutral foundation. I am careful to highlight one feature at a time when applying make-up either eyes or lips, never both. I love taupe and brown eyeshadows, so I can sometimes risk colouring my lips with darker shades such as reds or plums. It is important to understand the difference between day and night looks.
Don’t experiment with your skin
I firmly believe you should take care of your skin using natural products. One should never try to go overboard, as I think the more you try to experiment with your skin, the worse it gets. It is better to adhere to basic skin care.
Hot water is bad for your hair
Just like my skin, I do take good care of my hair. The most important part of my hair care routine is washing it with cool water. In addition, I oil my hair every other day with extra virgin coconut oil.
Fitness wise
Usually, a speedy workout followed by a quick spa session, sometimes just a steam and sauna will instantly make me feel good.
Elegant, demure and wise beyond her years. I ask her for any parting words that she would want to share with those trying to emulate her and she replies, “Be happy and you will be beautiful.”