Located at The Oberoi, Gurgaon, the Rossano Ferretti salon has been designed keeping in mind the elite neigbourhood and their preference for high-end quality products. The salon has exclusively partnered with L’Oréal Professionnel’s luxury line Kérastase and INOA colours. After having launched his first salon in Mumbai, the Italian celebrity hairstylist and a global icon, Rossano Ferretti has launched his second salon. He has devised the Rossano Ferretti Method, which is based on the unique relationship between personality, body and hair. Given its luxurious positioning, the salon befits its location.
The basic structure and the store was ready along with the hotel, but for the salon to take shape- design, interiors, installation it took around four months.
The salon is entirely run and managed by the hotel. So the budget for this section will be a bit hard to declare and calculate at this stage. A lot of it has been pre-opening budget which is more construction and project-led.
The salon was designed in keeping with international Rossano Ferretti’s hair salons all over the world. The architecture and interiors as well as design was done by the hotel’s in-house project team.
Salon: Rossano Ferretti
City: The Oberoi, GurgaonOwner: Rossano Ferretti
Size: 2,000 sq ft
Email: gurgaon@metodorossanoferretti.com