For the third time, Rieter is offering a textile technology seminar, taking place October 30 and 31, 2014, at the Rieter headquarters in Winterthur, Switzerland. Focused on the requirements of yarn buyers and yarn sellers, the seminar will give information on the four spinning technologies, the 4 Com4 yarns spun the important criteria for downstream processing as well as typical end products and helpful tips for the yarn trade.
In a two-day seminar the participants will be provided broad information including documentation on the following subjects:
Technological know-how on the 4 spinning technologies: ring spinning, compact spinning, rotor spinning and air-jet spinning including getting acquainted with the spinning machines in our own SpinCentre Yarn characteristics of the 4 yarns Com4ring, Com4compact, Com4rotor, Com4jet, their behaviour in the downstream process, benefits in usage of the fabrics produced from them and typical end products Influence of package build-up on the downstream process Interpretation of yarn testing results. Yarn purchasers, yarn sellers, yarn traders, weavers and knitters and all those who would like to improve their knowledge on this topic are the target audience.