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New Brand: Gormetious Foods launches "Gourmet Delicacy”

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Rajkot-based Gormetious Foods, a startup company offering world cuisine, has forayed into the Indian food product market under the brand name of “Gourmet Delicacy.”
The venture has been started by an Indian-Israeli couple to offer the taste of cuisines from different countries to the Indian market. It has launched products for the Mediterranean cuisine and is currently serving several Arabic, Lebanese, Mediterranean and other Middle-Eastern restaurants and hotels in India.
Gormetious Foods has now launched its retail products such as creamy peanut butter, crunchy peanut butter, tahini, hummus (Houmous) and baba ghanouj. Also in the pipeline are products for Italian, Mexican, and American cuisines.
Gormetious Foods president Anand Chauhan said: “With the launch of various food franchises and eateries across the country, we see a huge opportunity to work with this industry and be their backend provider.”
The company intends to work with the HoReCa sector, not just by selling products but also by working with its clients to develop solutions and recipes and playing a role as a backend service provider.

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