Bollywood diva and Creative Director of The Trunk Label, Bipasha Basu launched an exclusive beauty makeover ‘It Kit’ in association with FACES Cosmetics. The signature kits personally curated by the diva herself, consist of hand picked beauty products from FACES Cosmetics and a piece of accessory depending on each look from The Trunk Label. It gives a complete style makeover in just 60 seconds. This ‘It Kit’ collection range is available in five latest beauty trends of the season, ‘Floral Darling It Kit’, ‘Scarlet Siren It Kit’, ‘Azure Memaid It Kit’, ‘Pop Princess It Kit’, and ‘Glam Goddess It Kit’. This collection is available in cosmetics retail stores, eCommerce portals, and in trade outlets of Shopper’s Stop, Pantaloons and New U.
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