Maybelline New York, India has signed on bollywood actress Athiya Shetty as the new brand ambassador. Shetty will showcase Maybelline’s young energy, edge, style and the latest trends on the New York fashion circuit. Commenting on her debut endorsement, Shetty said, “I am proud to say that I am a Maybelline girl and I am honoured as I take on my very first endorsement with this iconic brand. It’s an incredible feeling”. Maybelline is currently available in over 129 countries and offers varied ranged of products worldwide with advanced technological formulations. Pooja Sahgal, General Manager, Maybelline New York India, reportedly commented on this latest association, “Maybelline New York India has successfully brought on board young Bollywood actor, who emulate the brand values in the past. Athiya Shetty is one personality in whom we have immense confidence as she reflects our brand values and represents Maybelline New York women, who are ambitious, diverse, confident and raring to go. Together with her, we can’t wait to MakeItHappen.”
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