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Are parking spaces optimally utilised in the malls?

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In today’s day and age everybody understands the importance of convenient parking. Be it business verticals of shopping malls, amusement parks and hotels, or Government driven projects like smart cities, smart parking is one of the primary agendas.
For the business vertical like shopping malls, providing enough parking space, can be achieved with proper planning without as many challenges.
Most – if not all – shopping malls in recent times have succeeded in achieving this target. Today, if you are planning to visit a shopping mall you are not worried if you will get parking or not but is that enough?
The new age mall visitor wants much more for a better mall experience:
– Well planned mall entrances and exits
– Positioning of drop off zones and mall grand entrances
– Enough entry/exit lanes planned pay station to avoid long queues on weekends
– SKIDATA Systems and Solutions for ease of parking
Well Planned Mall Entrances and Exits
This might sound basic, but in the real world several malls have got this wrong. Commuters don’t want to be stuck in a jam at the entrance or exit of a mall.
Without planning the necessary driveway length to accommodate enough cars within the mall premises, car queues extend onto the main city streets. Similarly exits are not planned to ensure that vehicles come out avoiding traffic junctions. Also, it helps when malls plan multiple entry/exit passages providing mall visitors the choice on which direction of the road they want to go in/out from.
Positioning of Drop off Zones and Mall Grand Entrances
This is a very practical problem that most real estate mall developers face and invariably compromise on. Where should the mall grand entrance be?
Ideally the mall grand entrance should be placed where every visitor has to pass by with an option of drop off at the grand lobby entrance. This provides an opportunity to the visitor to drop off the family and move towards parking.
The distance of the Entry Ticketing System and security check from the drop of zone is another key aspect to ensure that cars don’t queue up in front of the drop off zone which is extremely inconvenient for mall visitors. Also, if the drop off zone is planned properly it provides space for cars to exit out after drop off zone without having to enter the parking premises.
Enough Entry/Exit Lanes with Planned Pay Stations to Avoid Long Queues
Mall size, parking spaces, number of entry lanes and exit lanes are all directly connected and should be planned carefully. Providing alternate central pay stations for mall visitors at exit lobbies of the mall is also an intelligent way to ensure express exits.
Shopping centres in India need to adopt ways proven globally and reduce manual processes at entries and exits. There is technology available today in India to genuinely automate the entire parking experience.
SKIDATA Systems and Solutions for Ease of Parking
SKIDATA started India operations in early 2007 and has already become the largest company in India for the Parking Equipment Segment – with existing clientele – MIAL T2, BIAL, GHIAL, Inorbit Malls, Oberoi Mall, Runwal, All DLF Malls, Prestige Group (6 properties), Brigade Group (3 properties), Express Avenue Westfield Retail etc.
SKIDATA has presence in New Delhi, Bangalore, Kolkata, Chennai, Hyderabad, Vijaywada and Head office in Mumbai and is known for bringing the best technologies in the world to India.
SKIDATA offers the latest technology to manage parking especially for shopping malls. In addition to the conventional ticketing solution, some key solution should be adopted by shopping centers include Parking Guidance System and Level Display System for ease of parking and also mobile hand held ticketing/ cashiering for Valet parking.
SKIDATA with its global presence and experience brings a lot to the table as a technology partner for shopping centers.
– Parking Management System
– Level Display System
– Indoor Parking Guidance System
– Wireless Outdoor Parking Guidance System
– Intelligent LED lighting System
– Electric Vehicle Charging Gates
– Hand held solutions for Parking Management
We are confident in the way technology is being accepted in everyday life by Indians. In this transition businesses like shopping centres have to ensure that they are not far as today’s consumer is digitised in the true sense. It’s imperative for shopping centres to focus on end consumer convenience and experience to ensure better business in the future. Adopting correct technology for parking not only resolves day to day operational hassles but also presents an opportunity to shopping centres to provide optimum mall experience.

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