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Akash Doultani, CEO, Komal Crafts

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One of the youngest CEOs at the age of 23, Akash Doultani has played an instrumental role in developing his family’s women’s wear brand SAHIRA over a short span.

Just one year old in the company he has achieved a 10 fold growth in a really short span. Known for the company’s young spirit, the brand offers a high end fusion taste of both ethnic and western apparels.

Quality par excellence has helped them in getting a warm reception across the organised and semi-organised retail channel. The brand is currently distributing to MBOs across the country and in 2018 the first EBO is one the cards for the brand with an online presence of there e store

A post graduate in mass communication with a vast and varied work experience in advertising and marketing The young CEO quotes ‘today’s luxury is tomorrow’s necessity’ with which a strong vision and belief lies in becoming one of the most premium and high end luxury apparel brands in India.

Doultani believes that a real brand is built when the consumers start knowing about it and not the trade sector, a direct communication and relation with the consumers is equally important and therefore the company maintains a clear and open communication policy with a team which is easily accessible by consumers and associates.

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