Anil Menon, Head – IT, Trent Hypermarket Private Ltd.


What according to you are the three biggest/most important changes happening in the world of technology?

Security/ Cloud/ Digital/ AI/ IoT

How do you think these changes will impact Indian retail?

Yes they would be disruption in terms of customer experience, right mix at store, clear customer behavior pattern which will streamline organisation wide ways of working on focus points. Logistics & time to market with right product will get a boost.

What are the 3 game changing technologies in the space of customer experience?

AI/ IoT/ Mobility

What are the top priorities for you in the coming years you as CIO of the company/ brand?

Security/ IoT / AI (CX)/ Digital

Top 3 challenges retailers will face from a Technology point of view in India?

Strong connectivity/ Tech stack selection/ Seamless data flow in the diversified environment

How is IoT shaping up the industry? Tell us about the role and significance of IoT in your company.

IoT is used are at different levels mainly stores equipment (low breakdowns) , customer flow pattern and real time empowering stores and other stakeholders with information.

What would success look like for you in a couple of years in terms of the company and technology?

Customer experience, Right product at the right place and Logistics streamline.

Your top 3 favourite retail technologies, which you would like to introduce in India?

AI/ ML/ Blockchain