Today, convenient parking and modern retail go hand in hand. Parking plays a major role in deciding where people might go to spend the day. To draw in the footfalls, malls, amusement parks, hotels, and even government-driven projects like smart cities have taken to providing smart parking lots, which are manned by security to ensure customer and vehicular safety.

For consumers with cars, a parking lot is the first point of contact with a mall. A well maintained and convenient lot works wonders for the business. Parking management, technology used, cleanliness, and security have the potential of making or breaking first impressions.

Types of Parking in Malls

A parking lot is an area that is assigned for parking vehicles in the mall premises. All malls have designated lots, with space to hold anywhere between 500 – 10,000 twoand- four-wheelers depending on their size and popularity. These parking facilities can be indoor or outdoor, public or private. Most malls sport indoor lots, also called parking garages, with outdoor facilities only for VIPs.

There are several types of parking garages:

Single Level Parking Garage
A single level parking garage is a parking garage that only has only one floor. Tier II & III cities malls mostly have a huge single level parking garage.

Multi-Level / Multi Storey Parking
Garage: Multi-level or multi-storey garages are parking garages that have multiple floors to park at. The design of a multilevel parking garage can be very different and huge. The most common design is a garage with ramps to move from one level to another. A lot of effort goes into create the flooring of multi-level parking to avoid traffic congestion on the ramps. Some multilevel garages also have robotic systems that move cars from one level to another. The floors of these types of garages can go up, down or both. This type of parking is usually found only in Tier I malls.

Underground Parking Garage: An underground parking garage can consist of several levels below the ground level, but above ground. Most often, underground parking garages are located in city centres where there’s not much space available to build a parking facility, but there is need to build one.

Automated Parking Garage: Automated parking garages are the most advanced level of parking. These are parking garages with robotic systems that move cars from one level to another. The floors of the parking garage can either go up, down or both. There are several benefits to a multi-level parking facility with an automated parking system, the most important being that one can stack more cars in a compact space because they are parked by robots.

Benefits of Organised & Automated Parking
– No need to search for available parking spaces
– No need to walk through the parking garage
– Time-saving
– Consistent parking experience
– The vehicle is safe and secure without any worry about the theft and damage

Trends in Parking

When the concept of parking came into existence, no one had imagined that one day, these places would be rife with technology. Today, technology has revolutionised the way parking lots function, making parking extremely convenient for mall visitors.

Parking Apps: A lot of malls provide parking apps through which visitors can check parking availability before entering the mall. These helps not just help them identify vacant spaces but also help them book a parking spot before they enter the mall. Visitors can get real-time parking information through their phones and can also get the guidance, pricing information and real-time occupancy simultaneously.

Cashless Payment: Cashless/e- payment ensures that paying parking charges at the exit takes the minimum amount of time. There is no need for visitors to keep exact change in hand, no long queues on the parking ramp. Also, more and more parking operators are allowing credit/debit/online payments through mobile phones to ensure convenience.

Challenges Faced

Security: Manning security is the biggest challenge for parking authorities in shopping malls. And it’s not just about vehicle safety, it also about the safety of visitors. Parking lots are usually huge areas spread across multi-levels and malls make sure they do everything in their power to ensure that security is not breached. Mall developers install and maintain CCTV cameras, fire extinguishers, toilets in the parking areas to provide a safe and secure platform for visitors.

Ambiance: Parking garages are usually in the basement area, which does not get ample supply of sunlight and fresh air. During monsoon and heavy rains, there are situations, where there is a flow of rainwater in the parking which creates an unhealthy atmosphere. Malls work towards providing proper ventilation and an airy lot to ensure health and hygiene.

Signages: Guiding visitors from entry to exit point is another challenge, especially in multilevel mall parking. Signages, therefore, need to be clear and plentiful.

Lighting: Brightly lit garages are the norm of the day, with malls making sure that all nooks and crannies are well lit, and that all lights are in working order.

Parking Equipment

A lot of technical equipment requires maintenance and proper execution to make parking hassle-free. These include:

Barriers: No longer bamboo sticks propped up by a heavy stone, parking barriers today are technically controlled. Boom barriers scan payment codes and allow vehicles to enter and exit automatically.

Alarms: These are used in access and revenue control systems. They are system generated messages that indicate potential problems with equipment or operational rules that have been broken (i.e. vehicle entered lane and then blacked out). Car Park Management

Systems (CPMS): CPMS represents multiple parking technologies applied to off-street parking facilities. Other systems represented by CPMS include meter revenue systems, parking guidance systems, that track occupancy and other systems that do not necessarily include access and revenue control.

Ticket Validator: A ticket validator electronically encodes validations either onto the original transient ticket or onto a separate magnetic stripe validation ticket. These are magnetic strips similar to those of a credit card or hotel key. These can store a small amount of data as well.

Magnetic Stripe Reader (MSR): This is a hardware device that reads magnetic stripes and converts information stored there to data that can be used by a computer or controller.

Encoding Station: Encoding station is a computer or device, which is connected to a ticket validator. It is used to allow a cashier to update the magnetic stripe of a parking ticket with new information (rate, payment, etc.).

Exit Verifier: This is hardware in a lane where the customer inserts a dispensed ticket, confirming his payment. The hardware verifies payment and raises the gate. An exit verifier is also known as an exit station. Pay Station: Pay station or the cashier station is usually the corner where the final payment is made. It may be a computer generated machine or a person himself. In either of the case, the station has to built in a way that it is secured from the rain, sun and other prospects of damage.

Automated Pay Station (APS): The automated pay station allows for automated ticket processing in central cashiering facilities. It can supplement and / or replace cashiers. Sometimes these stations are called pay on foot – or pay in lane machines. The Automated Pay Station can accept multiple forms of payment and provide receipts.

Lane Controller: These are the electronics in the hardware associated with a lane. It choreographs the activity in the lane, activating and deactivating equipment based on triggers such as vehicle presence. The lane controller often sends and receives data from an online central database to allow access to the facility.

Counting System: Counting system or occupancy system is used to track the number of parkers in the parking area. It usually uses sensors, loops, infrared, cameras to record the number of vehicle pass through the parking lot.

Loops: Loops are sensors that are placed in the ground of a lane or level of a parking facility to detect a vehicle passing overhead. They track occupancy and enable ticket dispensers or permit readers by identifying the presence of a metal an object passing over the loop.

Parking Regulations & Fee

A few years ago, a Hyderabad High Court judgment stated that commercial establishments cannot collect parking fees from visitors since they are considered ‘public places’. The general law governing the development of the malls does not prohibit malls from collecting a parking fee. Meanwhile, mall operators argue that parking facilities incur operating and maintenance expenses and they cannot provide parking free-of-cost.
In India parking charges are often decided arbitrarily by the mall management. Rates can be flat or on an hourly basis and are usually different for two-wheelers and four-wheelers.

While there are some malls which provide parking free-of-cost, and others which waive off parking fees according to the amount a consumer has spent in the mall, there are many which charge flat rates throughout the week. A lot of malls inflate parking rates over the weekend, which sees more incoming traffic.

There are many sides to the parking debate besides legal and regulatory aspects – both from the shopping mall management side, retailers present in the mall, customers’ viewpoint etc.

Consumer Perception: The purpose of visiting a mall has no time limitations. It can be hours long visit but definitely won’t be an overnight visit in any case. Mall parking in India are owned by the malls and no mall provide overnight parking facility as if now. Customers visiting the malls often don’t mind shelling out extra cash in form of parking fee as they know their vehicle is secure and they can shop n peace. The customer who is visiting a mall for a short time, say just to exchange a product or delivering a product, will definitely appreciate at least a first-hour fee waiver.

Mall Perspective: As far as shopping mall developers are concerned, they consider it a form of service which requires manpower, equipment and maintenance. The reasons for charging parking fees are:
a) Pay parking at malls is a widespread practice
b) To recover the cost of construction
c) To cover parking operation, maintenance and security costs
d) To generate a supplementary revenue stream

Rajneesh Mahajan, CEO, Inorbit Malls explains, “Malls are generally located around busy localities, and if malls do not charge parking facilitation fees then people visiting the neighbourhood commercial centres will park within the mall premises. This, in turn, will cause inconvenience to the genuine customers who visits the mall with a conviction that they will get assured parking for their vehicle. This will also lead to unauthorised parking which may cause congestion on the connecting roads. There is a cost involved in constructing and maintaining the parking spaces.

In the past, we have received customer feedback that they are willing to pay for the parking space. Our business depends on good traffic flow to our malls and we are cautious of the parking charges. Anything which is not appreciated by our customers will have an impact on our business.

Parking facilitation charges are decided keeping in mind all these factors and helps us in recovering our construction and maintenance costs.”

“Malls are privately owned properties where customers are welcomed to have great shopping and leisure experience. However, we feel that certain sections of society interpret malls as public places. We would request them to appreciate this difference between a public place and a privately-owned property which services the larger public needs,” he adds.

According to Mukesh Kumar, CEO, Infiniti Malls: “This subject is under lot of debate. Parking facility is generally built at a huge cost for the convenience of the mall visitors. We levy a small charge to recover our maintenance and operational cost. Parking charges are levied to ensure that the facility is not misused, and genuine customers can find a place to park their vehicles. Availability of a good and safe parking space aids in adding footfall in the mall.”

Yogeshwar Sharma, Executive Director & CEO, Select CITYWALK points out, “The terms and conditions by which we had acquired the land from the Delhi Development Authority (DDA), mention clearly that we can charge a parking fee. Charging the parking fee is also important to maintain safety and management of the parking lot. This includes the cost of parking marshals, security guards, ventilation and lighting. We have not received any order of the court where it has directed us to offer free parking. If we get any such directive, we would, of course, comply with set regulations.”

“Nothing comes free. The parking tariff charged hardly covers the interest cost of making the parking lot. The amounts spent on hygiene, maintenance, human resource, security, and technology translate into serious cost and by charging parking fees, we are marginably able to cover all these costs. I don’t think any mall in India will be able to make money through parking. This is a service to patrons which is amounting to security, comfort and hygiene service enjoyed at the mall,” says Sanjeev Mehra, VP, Quest Properties India Limited.

Arjun Gehlot, Director, Ambience Malls feels that regulations were enforced to avoid congestion on road, however, parking fee is necessary to upkeep the security and maintenance of the area. “It is also a way to deter people who would misuse the space or occupy parking without any intention to visit the mall. Keeping in mind the cost of management which includes parking space, security guards, parking personals, housekeeping staff, safety and surveillance technology, parking fee is charged, so that space is safe and functional for mall patrons,” he says.

Surjit Singh Rajpurohit, COO, Amanora Mall says,“Maintaining a parking lot requires a lot of investment as there is an operational cost associated with it. We have to invest a considerable amount of manpower resource, technology, cleanliness measures and another necessary resource to make sure that there is enough safety and smooth functioning of the entire parking space and to maintain that kind space we charge negligible parking fees from the customers to ensure a troublefree experience.”

Regulatory Aspect: In India, public parking falls under the ambit of the Municipal Corporation, which regulates the system within its jurisdiction.

The Municipal Corporation usually licenses private contractors to operate pay parking lots in lieu of prescribed amount to be deposited with the civic authority. Mall parking is a private space belonging to its owner. There is no uniform national law to regulate the vehicle parking fees imposed in private buildings as of now.


Quest parking is exceptionally placed as it has unique constricting features. It is probably the first mall which has 13 levels of parking. “We think out-of-the-box to ensure that visitors and patrons don’t feel inconvenienced by the parking facility at Quest. Quest is the first mall to introduce the Chip Coin Automated Pay machines which doesn’t require any human intervention for facilitating ingress & egress from the mall,” says Sanjeev Mehra, VP, Quest Properties India Limited.

Visitors can collect the coin from the chip coin dispenser at the entry of the parking individually and park the vehicle. For ‘Express Exit’, the customer has to pay the due amount in cash, calculated on the number of hours of stay. The activated chip needs to be inserted in the chip coin collector which opens the barrier at the exit. For ‘Rapid Exit’ the chip coin can be submitted to the cashier at the exit who uses a handheld device to calculate payment, allowing visitors to drive through without any hassles. There are integrated exits at each level to ensure that there is no backup / hold up at the point of exit.

“Quest has also become the first mall to start an app-based parking system which will be seam-less and ensure digitisation for the payment process and remove any and all hindrances for customers,” says Mehra.

Single/ Multi Level Parking
Quest has a multilevel car parking facility. It has 13 levels of car parking which is first of its kind in the entire country. It has 6 Mezzanine (M1 to M6) and 7 directly connected (Basement B2, G+5) car parking levels. The highest parking level, Level M6, goes up to a height of 30 meters.

Managing the Parking
Quest uses upgraded technology to ensure a convenient and hassle-free parking. We have a well-trained team which manages manpower for car parking named Car Parking System (CPS). Each entry and exit point on all 13 levels of the parking are manned by the CPS personnel for payments.

Security Measures and Lighting
All the parking floors are manned by security personnel and attendants. There are CCTV cameras on each floor to make ensure security of cars parked. The parking area is well-lit with T5 LED lights – which consume very low energy.

Technological Features
Quest has recently added an app which allows online payment for parking space.

Parking Requirements
Quest uses statistics to calculate parking requirements for different days throughout the year. “On the basis of the data collected on a yearly basis, we can see that the number of cars parked follow a trend – both on a daily and on days we have special events like sales / public holidays. This helps us estimate parking requirements. We have a parking ratio of 2.25, 900 car parking over 400k sq. ft. of retail space. On weekdays, we get 800-1,100 cars per day while on weekends the number increases to between 1,600 and 2,200. On sale days, event days and national holidays, the number can go up to between 2,600-3,000 cars,” states Mehra.

Parking Management Company
Quest uses CPS and NIS to manage its parking area. Some things which both agencies do include:
– Technological aspects (like hardware, the backend for reconciliation, app facilitating online payment etc.) are managed by CPS
– Security of the complete mall, including the parking area, is managed by NIS

Parking in Events
Quest gets together with local authorities to manage traffic and parking during events. “To manage larger traffic for events, like Midnight Sale at Quest (which is organised for 3 hours around the Summer Solstice in the month of June, when we get a footfall of around 2,50,000 people and there are around 10,000 cars to be managed), we remain in constant touch with the authorities. We team-up with them to chalk a detailed traffic plan with around 30 parking zones for chauffer driven cars around the mall,” concludesMehra.

Mobile Parking App
Quest is adding new features to their mobile parking app. “We have come up with a new Beacon* based Proximity- Marketing Program as one of the important feature of the app, to ensure that all our retail partners get the maximum output of the monthly average footfalls of 16.5 lakh patrons and are able to achieve optimum sales with a growth trajectory for year on year basis.

Benefits of the Program
– Incremental Sales
– Increased Visibility
– Increased Customer awareness
– Increased Walk-ins
– Better Conversion rates

How Does the program work?
“A beacon is a small Bluetooth radio transmitter, powered by batteries. It can be deployed on store-fronts to broadcast contextually-relevant advertisements and notifications. People with Quest App will be able to receive notifi cations based on their interest and buying intent. Let’s assume a beacon is deployed at the front of your store which will transmit signals in its range of 40 feet. Devices in the range of beacons will start receiving notifi cations in the form of exclusive off ers which will drive them to the store,” explains Mehra.

Online Parking Feature
They have also come up with a parking feature on their new app wherein the user/customer can pay online for parking using the QR code generated by the system on their smartphones which is compatible on both Android andApple platforms.

– It’s an influencer outreach program of the East at this scale
– For the influential and opinionated youth Identify and reward the best talent from the pool and mentor them
– Focus on glocal trends, presenting Kolkata and its talent in the best light
– It’s real people engaging with a larger audience via brands they are passionate about
– Build it as a year-on-year initiative by the brand.


Ambience Mall Gurugram is one of Delhi NCR’s largest mall, spread over 1,997,378 sq. ft. The mall gets around 70,000 footfalls on weekdays and over 1 lakh footfalls on weekends. To manage parking of different levels, the mall has designated zones which are colour-coded, an automated ticketing system and parking personnel are employed at entry and exit gates as well in the basement to aid patrons in parking and navigation.

Single/ Multi Level Parking
Ambience Mall Gurugram has 3 levels of basement parking with around 1,700 slots. The mall follows progressive parking which can hold up to 7,000 cars.
There are zones reserved for women shoppers on the first level and the parking space is equipped for the differentlyabled.
The mall also has an ongoing initiative with ‘We Care’ to facilitate complimentary parking for defense personals on weekdays.

Security Measures
The entire parking space is under CCTV surveillance. Cameras and DFMD (Door Frame Metal Detector) are installed at the escalators, lift lobbies, checkin and check-out points and at all other appropriate places.

Lighting and other Features
The parking of the mall is well lit. LED lights are used to optimise energy efficiency. Reflective signages and navigational signs to guide patrons towards lift lobbies or escalators. The mall has a backup which ensures 24×7 uninterrupted power supply.

Technological Features
The parking at the mall is equipped with Smart Card facility and electric charging points are available in the space. Patrons can also use the ‘Ambience Mall App’ to mark their parking spot for easy navigation after their shopping.

“In future, the mall will be introducing sensors in parking area which will allow the patrons can see vacant spots before parking. Patrons will also be able to pay for parking at the concierge for a swift and hassle-free exit from the mall,” says Arjun Gehlot, Director, Ambience Malls.

Parking Management
Ambience Mall Gurugram works with leading security agencies like Unisafe Secure Solutions, ARC Security Solutions and Speed Security System to make mall parking a safe and accessible zone for patrons.

Parking During Events
“The mall has well-trained parking wardens employed who are equipped to manage traffic on any day but for visits of VVIP, dignitaries and celebrities during big events like movie promotions,Ambience collaborates with local authorities like the nearest police stations to ensure a high-level of security,” concludes Gehlot.


Parking at Felicity Mall is huge as it caters to the needs and requirements of the biggest and one of the best organised shopping malls in the city of Nellore. The parking lot, in the basement, has two levels which can accommodate 212 cars and 700 two-wheelers.

Parking Management
“Managing the two-level parking is a difficult task since more manpower required and managing the traffic is a tedious process. Apart from this,maintaining the entire area with modern lights is also challenging. LED lights are used for the entire parking area and natural lighting and exhaust is also provided for, for the convenience of visitors,” says Gopal Machani, JMD, MG Group.

Security Measures
The security measures followed are as follows:
– CCTV Cameras monitoring the
– entire paring zone
– Radium Signages
– Speed Controllers
– Pillar Guards
– Boom Barriers which are scanned by the software

Technological Features
“The mall uses software by ValetEZ Services, which ensures proper entry and exit through software. It also has paperless entry to support the ‘Go Green Initiative’. The software has an option of sending an advertisement to its customer via SMS. Tracking lots and FOC is quite easy since the software does not allow the vehicle to leave the premises without a token,” says Machani.

“We are in process of bringing a further upgraded version which will show bay availability option at the entry and reduce the manual intervention in managing entry and exit at the boom barrier location. This will also track the type of vehicles and their passcards,” he adds.

Parking Requirements
The parking ratio of the mall is 70 percent for two-wheelers and 30 percent for four wheelers.

“We check and adjust the parking requirements through existing software along with the feedbacks which we receive from the customers. We discuss all these in the monthly review meetings and take action accordingly,” concludes Machani.


Parking availability plays an imperative role for customers deciding to visit a mall. To offer a smooth experience to customers, Infiniti Mall Malad has made provisions for parking at 5 levels. The parking facility has several features such as:

– Only mall with parking sensors & LED indicators at all bays
– Parking availability indicators at strategic locations
– Spacious parking space in each bay with proper driveways
– 4 car lifts for terrace parking vehicle entries with 4 lanes
– Trained parking attendants to guide the customers
– Entry/exit to the customers directly from/to basements via travellators

Single Level/ Multi- Level Parking
Infiniti Mall Malad has parking facility on multiple levels; Lower basement, Upper basement, Podium, Lower Ground Floor, Podium, and Terrace. Theparking facility at the mall can accommodate close to 1,000 fourwheelers and 400 two-wheelers at any given time. The security team at the mall is well equipped to manage multi-level parking.

While the parking movement at the terrace level is slow due to the car lifts, they do not face any other difficulty.

Security Measures
“At Infiniti Mall, we take the safety and security of our patrons very seriously. All the vehicles are checked by under vehicle search mirrors. Car boots and dashboards are physically checked by security guards and we also have helmet stations for safety of helmets. We have LED lighting at the parking levels which allows the driver to park cars conveniently,” says Mukesh Kumar, CEO, Infinti Malls.

Technological Features
To provide easy access to customers when they enter, there are parking sensors for each slot which indicates the availability.

This gets updated automatically as and when a car leaves the slot or gets parked. It allows the customer to easily find vacant spots in the parking bay.

“Technological advancement acts as a catalyst in making systems and processes simpler and easier. In lieu of the same, we are endeavouring to bring in technology where lights automatically switch off in vacant parking spots,” adds Kumar.

Parking Requirements
Parking requirement is governed by the local law as well as actual anticipated requirement over a period of time. It was considered by the designers that we would require around approximately 900-1000 car parking slots and an additional 350- 400 twowheelers parking space.

Parking Management
Infiniti Mall’s parking management is taken care of by Secure Park whereas an in-house team takes care of maintenance.

Parking During Events
“To ensure that our parking facility is convenient even during mall events, we collaborate with local authorities. For instance, during the mall’s flat 50 percent sale or VVIP visits, we seek guidance from Mumbai Traffic Police, and have traffic wardens to give directions during peak hours,” concludes Kumar.


Inorbit Malls believe in providing a great shopping experience to their customers and a relaxed shopping experience begins with a convenient car parking. The parking facility is professionally managed and maintained for ease of vehicle flow. The facility includes services like security, ventilation, well-marked bays, parking ushers to guide customers, driver’s washroom and water coolers.

Multi-level / Single Parking
The parking at Inorbit is a combination of open and basement parking. The parking capacity ranges between 700- 1500 for their malls. The parking design and size depends upon the size of the development. The mall tries to allocate as much space as possible and in certain cases in order to increase customer comfort we even go beyond the statutory norms.

Managing the Parking
Managing different levels of parking requires great amount of planning, manpower, good technology and regular audits. Having a safe parking environment becomes crucial because malls experience a lot of footfall on all days of the week and on special occasions the count may double/triple.

“For security of the visitors, we search every vehicle that enters our mall, hence in order to ensure a smooth in-out flow of vehicles we have trained manpower dedicated for this function.

We at Inorbit focus on hygiene and safety to provide great customer experience, we have facilities like directional signages, fully functional fire-fighting equipment’s, levelled grounds, speed breakers, parking ushers,CCTV cameras and adequate lighting throughout our parking area. In addition to the above, the mall management also conducts regular audits to check on the readiness of manpower and the MEP systems,” says Rajnesh Mahajan, CEO, Inorbit Malls.

Security Measures
Inorbit malls follow a wellstructured process with security enabled at 3 different levels as the safety of the customers is taken very seriously and is given the utmost importance.
– At the vehicle entry point, they search all vehicles entering the mall, the parking area is also under CCTV surveillance and there is a special team monitoring the footages. As vehicles are parked, they have cameras and manpower deployed to ensure vehiclesafety.
– To ensure a smooth exit and to prevent queuing, manpower is deployed at each exit point. Well-lit way-finding signages and manpower is deployed at the crucial points to guide the vehicles and to avoid accidents or untoward incidents.


Seawoods Grand Central Mall (SGC) – the largest amongst all malls in the Mumbai metropolitan region – has a 3-level basement car parking which can accommodate upto 2,800 vehicles.

Managing Parking Space
“At SGC Mall, we have a Parking Guidance System (PGS) which has ultrasonic sensor with LED lights which streamlines our multi-level parking facility and enhances efficiency. It effectively helps customers to find a parking spot as soon as they enter any lane. It also allows maximum utilisation of parking bays available in one level before opening another level. This helps in saving electricity, deploying different departments such as parking attendants, security, house-keeping thereby ultimately enhancing customer experience and reducing customer complaints. All 3 levels of our parking have well designated bays, marked to ensure optimum utilisation of the parking area,” says Nilesh Singh, Center Head, Seawoods Grand Central Mall.

Security Measures
The security measures at SGC are as follows:
-A multi-layered security system consisting of UVSS – Under Vehicle Surveillance System; DFMD – Door, Frame, Metal Detector; HHMD – Hand Handled Metal Detector; bag scanner etc.
– Multiple CCTV cameras covering all key areas of the parking

Lighting and Other Features
The parking space is well illuminated thereby elevating the ambience as per the international standards. Parking Guidance System (PGS) uses LED indicators that display colors that can be seen by customers and guide whether a parking bay is vacant or occupied. This system helps customers to detect a vacant space through LED so their vehicle can travel straight towards the vacant space which saves their time and reduces vehicle travelling time.

Technological Features
– The parking area has an automatic ticket dispenser connected to boom arms. When a customer presses the button while entering the parking area, it automatically enables the opening of boom barrier and generates the parking ticket, all in real time.
– At the exit, there is a system with ticketing booth where inonce the ticket is scanned it automatically generates the receipt and the amount payable for parking facilitation charges. This is also integrated with the boom arm for a smooth exit experience for our patrons.
– Digital Level Display (DLD), reflecting the occupancy and vacant slots available on each floor. It is placed at every strategic level on each floor.

“Currently, we are evaluating the introduction of smart card / digital payment methods through the integration of e-wallets / payment gateways which will further augment customer convenience and also save on time,” says Singh.

Parking Management
Secure Parking Solutions Pvt. Ltd. takes care of parking facilities as well as technological aspects and Stealth Security Pvt. Ltd takes care of security. Adi Electricals are our vendors taking care of the parking facilities.

Parking During Events
“At SGC Mall our mall security team works very closely with the local authorities and are assisted by traffic wardens in managing road traffic – especially on holidays and festival days when there is a large turnout at the mall. We have our own internal agencies and management teams to manage everything in the parking space,” concludes Singh.


Select CITYWALK, has allotted multiple parking spaces spread over an area of 6 lakh sq. ft. covering three floors. The mall has parking provision for 500 two wheelers and over 1,200 fourwheeler vehicles.

Single or Multi-Level Parking
The parking area is a multi-level parking zone with privilege parking for expecting mothers, self-driven women cars, handicapped people as well as for senior citizens.

Parking Management
“Managing the parking is a great challenge as people don’t want to park on Level 3. Besides, everyone wants to park near the lift lobbies. If we look at the infrastructure of the parking, it requires enough maintenance for the lighting, signage and other security measures. We have patroling staffs who help the visitors in these situations,” explains Yogeshwar Sharma, Executive Director & CEO, Select CITYWALK.

Security Measures
The security measures at the Select is well equipped. The mall has:
CCTV cameras covering the
entire area and angles
Parking marshals to direct &
assist shoppers
Patrolling by Security Staff

Technological Features Select has introduced the following features in their parking premises:
– Boom barriers
– RFID Technology
– Coin Readers for payment – paperless

Innovations In Pipeline
– Electrical Signage to show empty parking slots
– Signages indicating the number of parking slots available in each level

Parking Management Company
PSM for Select CITYWALK is provided by Building Control Solutions (CPS) that investigates all the security and technological aspects related to parking.

Parking in Events
“During events and other key functions at the mall, wecollaborate with local authorities for smooth and easy traffic management. We have started the shuttle bus service to reduce vehicular traffic between Malviya Nagar Metro Station and the mall,” concludes Sharma.


Most, if not all shopping malls, rely heavily on the use of automobiles by their customers as the first choice in terms of transportation. It, therefore, means that the availability of parking is a major determining factor for a shopper to choose a particular shopping mall over the other. Primarily, the parking system will most often than not be the shopper’s first and the last impression of the shopping centre.

“Viviana Mall offers one of the best parking experiences in the industry and parks approximately 100,000 four-wheelers every month with the help of dedicated operations\ parking team. The parking facility is also used by nearly 75,000 two-wheelers every month,making it one of the busiest parking facilities in the Mumbai Thane region. Viviana’s parking team makes sure all issues in the parking areas are resolved so that visitors use the facility well,” says Manoj K Agarwal, CEO, Viviana Mall.

Single/ Multi level Parking
Viviana’s parking is convenient to the structure of the property, and it is intended to serve than the adjacent public highway. The multi-level parking has total twolevel parking – Upper Basement and Lower Basement with a capacity to park approximately 2,200 four wheelers and 1,200 two wheelers at any given point. For customer ease, multiple entries and exit ramps have been designed in the parking lot.

Managing the Parking
“It goes without saying that for any public facility to be efficient and function properly, in this day and age, the vehicle has to be adequately catered for. For most public facilities, the parking is the first experience of the user and thus plays a fundamental role in the user’s perception of the facility as a whole. Being one of the most successful malls in Thane, we attract a lot of patrons from across Thane, Mumbai & Navi Mumbai. This makes managing the parking facilityone of the most challenging tasks for us. The team managing parking is trained regularly by the Mall Operation team and constant effort is made to enhance the parking area in a bid to enhance consumer experience.
Initiatives like LED direction signage, light batons, reflective jackets, dedicated pathways for customers, zebra crossings near lobby etc are taken to ensure a smooth parking lot experience,” says Agarwal.

Security Measures
Security poses a significant challenge in most public parking facilities. Vehicles parked in these facilities are more often than not susceptible to burglary. Viviana Mall parking operation team makes sure that each vehicle entering the parking goes through strict security checks at entry points. Primary measures taken by mall include: Signs and Graphics – These include colour codes, clear directions, warnings and notices. These help in ensuring that the patrons move through the parking lot fast enough, thus improving efficiency. Security Officers – The presence of uniformed securityofficers continues to be the best crime prevention strategy. Access Control – This means that people accessing the parking lot, both in car and on foot, should be controlled. Canine Squad – A canine squad is deployed to sniff out any explosives.

Lighting and Other Features
Lighting is considered to be the most effective methods of eliminating crime and creating safer parking zones. “Users of a well-lit space feel safer psychologically and are thusmore comfortable when using the facilities in question. Lighting also reduces accidents within parking lots. At Viviana Mall 100 percent lights are LED, reducing the electricity cost by more than 50 percent, all views are functional throughout the day for visibility and safety of all customers and vehicles,” explains Agarwal.

Technological Features
The entire parking is covered with CCTV cameras to keep an eye on every single area in the lot at all points of time. Entryexit boom barrier technology is used for the safety of each vehicle, facial detection and vehicle number plate detection is done via booth cameras, and unscheduled drills are conducted regularly to deal with any emergencies in the parking areas. Along with the same exhausts are designed in such a way to remove carbon dioxide from the basement and ensure fresh air circulation.

The mall also has RFID card entry-exit facility, a smart ticketing system and LED direction signage for better guiding. Viviana Mall believes that parking should not just be adequate, but rather should be secure and easily accessible.

“Since the parking area is the first experience of a shopping mall for shoppers with cars, it goes without saying that it should be well built. Getting in and out of the parking should be easy, and it should be close and easily visible to the entrance. With increasing population and new technology advancement, Viviana Mall is planning to upgrade to sensor based availability indicators and synchronization of the same with an app (where a customer can book a parking slot and can keep track of their vehicles). Once the card-based entry exit system will be incorporated, it will help the team in saving time and paper. In addition to this, express lanes for fast entry and exit will be launched, as will an app-based valet system facility,” says Agarwal.

Parking Requirements
With growing vehicles and footfall at the mall each day and especially during the festive season, Viviana makes sure that all the requirement by parking team should meet in advance.

Ease of availability of Public transport, catchment analysis, size of mall and number of brands in mall, bay turnover ratio are few key parameters to be considered to know the parking requirements. The Parking ratio of the mall is 1:10, which is very well organized by parking operation team.

Parking Management
At Viviana, Mall parking is an integral part of the facility’s design, but there is no provision of “left-over land” for parking. The parking management atdifferent levels in taken care by:

– Parking Management Company & Technology – Secure Park
– Security agency – Honest and Olive security

Parking in Events
“Viviana Mall is in daily touch with local traffic police authority. Viviana being the shopping destination mall and one of the busiest malls in Thane coordinates daily with the traffic department for smooth operations, special arrangements like additional external parking, pick and drop facility, valet parking etc. An exemplary autorickshaw initiative is being run by the mall for the last five years so customers can go in and out of the mall. This too is done in close coordination with the authorities,” concludes Agarwal.


Amanora Mall has the largest parking space available in Pune. It has both single and multi-level parking that accommodates 5,000 cars and 3,000 twowheelers in total. An additional multi-level car parking space is under construction.

Managing Parking Space
“We have been efficiently managing different levels of parking even during high footfall hours. This has been possible due to proper parking planning and execution,” says Surjit Singh Rajpurohit, COO, Amanora Mall. Security Measures
Amanora has highly efficient security staff to supervise the security in the parking area.
CCTVs are installed at various locations. Every vehicle entering the parking area is checked thoroughly manually as well as with electronic devices and gadgets. The entry and exit points are monitored both through electronic surveillance and with security guards.
During rush hour, the mall’s security program is enhanced to include emergency procedures.

“For us the customer’s experience begins in the parking lot, especially during the night. We make sure that the parking area is well lit. This is most significant and crucial from security and business points of view. The parking area should be well illuminated as it represents an inviting, safer place to shop. If the parking area is not sufficiently illuminated, it increases risks, ranging from scratching someone else’s car to theft. Lux level of 500 plus should be maintained at the parking area,” says Rajpurohit.

Technological Features
– Digitally enabled Bay Availability
– Locate your car at the parking lot via Google maps
– Data collection of parking-lot
– Smartphone application to locate your vehicle
– Vehicle no plate recognition system

Parking Requirements: The parking requirements at Amanora Mall has 185 per sq. ft. per car. The parking ratio is 500 sq. ft. for 2 cars and 5 bikes. The parking is maintained by Central Parking Services (CPS).

“We are planning to improve the ease of payment at the entry and exit with the implementation of smart payment system like EPay Wallet for the parking and Book Your Parking,” concludes Rajpurohit.

Sandeep Kumar
A multimedia journalist with over eleven years of experience in print and digital media, Sandeep Kumar is assistant editor with Images Group. Books, retail, sports and cinema are an inextricable part of his life.