India will now be under lockdown till May 17 with a complete ban on theatres, malls, hotels and bars the government announced on Friday but gave some relaxations for various business activities and people’s movement within areas with limited or no COVID-19 cases.
Shops in urban areas, for non-essential goods, are not allowed in malls, markets and market complexes. However, all standalone shops, neighbourhood shops and shops in residential complexes are permitted to remain open in urban areas, without any distinction of essential and non-essential.
E-Commerce activities in red zones are permitted only for essential goods. Private offices can operate with up to 33 per cent strength as per requirement, with the remaining persons working from home.
Commercial and private establishments allowed in red zones include cold storage and warehousing services, private security and facility management services, and services provided by self-employed persons, except for barbers.
E-commerce firms can start delivering non-essential items in orange zones
In green zones, all activities are permitted except those prohibited throughout the country irrespective of the zone.
COVID-19: Lockdown extended for two more weeks but with relaxations with areas with zero or less infections
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