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Inorbit Malls to vaccinate all employees through #InorbitCares initiative

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Inorbit Malls Pvt Ltd has an ongoing Covid-19 vaccination drive for its employees, retail partners as well as visitors at its centers in Mumbai, Bengaluru, Hyderabad and Vadodara. The company kicked off the vaccination drives under #InorbitCares initiative, under which, it aims to have each and every employees, retail staff and agency workers vaccinated.
The multi-city vaccination drives is being conducted in collaboration with local bodies. Inorbit Hyderabad is one of the first malls in the city to roll out a vaccination camp for the employee and retail staff. The mall has also arranged a team of doctors and refreshments for any kind of emergency, uneasiness or discomfort. The Retailers Association of India (RAI), Clinnik and ACT Grants tied up with Inorbit Mall, Bengaluru for vaccinations. Inorbit Vadodara worked in collaboration with NGO Chhatra Sansad to vaccinate brand staff and customers. In Mumbai, Malad and Vashi malls are hosting a drive through for customers and a special camp has been set up for vaccinating brand staff, agency workers and mall employees. Inorbit is taking efforts to get 400 to 500 people vaccinated with their first dose of vaccinations at their outlets.
“Vaccination drives at our malls for customers and our staff, brand partners and agency workers are in full swing. At Inorbit,  we are aiming to be 100% vaccinated to offer a safe working and shopping experience to everyone coming to us. No one is safe until everyone is safe and so I urge everyone to get vaccinated,” said Rajneesh Mahajan, CEO, Inorbit Malls.
Employees from all the departments at the company — including housekeeping, engineering, security, parking and management — will get their jabs, Mahajan confirmed.

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