The residents of Ahmedabad have a reason to cheer with the opening of the first café by Vadilal Enterprises Ltd. Called ‘Now For Ever’, it represents the fusion food, delectable desserts and eye-catchy ambience to cater to millennials and Gen-Z a
Vadilal Enterprises also plans to expand it to key cities such as New Delhi, Surat, Jaipur by the end of the year. Vadilal Enterprises plans to have one ‘Vadilal Now For Ever’ in every major city that it operates in across the country.
Aakanksha Gandhi, Brand Director, Vadilal Enterprises Ltd commented on this “This concept came about from the simplicity that Vadilal Ice Creams embody. Having a Vadilal ice cream gives a joy of being lost in the moment and wishing that moment to linger on. This is how we conceptualised Vadilal Now For Ever. We have over 150 flavours available in more than 300 formats! We wanted to use the same products that you get at any Vadilal store but with a never-before-seen twist to give you an unforgettable experience!”.
Founded in 1907, Vadilal Group holds several first to its credit. It pioneered the launch of ice cream dollies, cones and sundaes, and it was initially the first brand to get a fully automated candy manufacturing line in India. Its Pundhra facility is the largest fully automated plant in the country.