Indian upmarket salon brand, Lakme Studio, has launched a new line of hair styling services with the new Tigi Catwalk products called ‘Sleek Mystique’. The launch took place formally at the recently heldLakme Fashion Week where the Sleek Mystique looks were unveiled on the runway in association with fashion designer, Arjun Saluja. The designer drew inspiration from Japanese martial art and the mysticism surrounding it to create the ‘Resurrection’ pret line that was apt for the looks created by the new Tigi product line. Creating the looks was European Education Director for Tigi – Akos Bodi. Akos informed that the new Sleek Mystique styling was all about texture and shape that makes the look simple and dramatic at the same time. Asked to name, he informed that the ‘Blow Out Balm’ was indeed a stylist’s delight besides the others in the line.
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