Future Group has acheived sales figures worth Rs 105 crore on the last day of its much-publicised `Mahabachat Ke 5 Din’ promotional campaign. The sales were achieved from its retail operations across its formats in India on Sunday.
The turnover was achieved on the last day of the `Mahabachat Ke 5 Din’ promotions being held at 96 Big Bazaar outlets across the country. During the five days, Big Bazaar attracted over 6 million customers at its outlets stretching from Bharuch to Guwahati and Panipat to Pallakad. In addition, special promotions and offers were also being conducted at group formats hat included Pantaloons, EZone and Central.
Commenting on this, Kishore Biyani, CEO, Future Group, said: “We have been pleasantly surprised by the phenomenal response we have received from customers during the past week. In the midst of an inflationary scenario, crossing the Rs 100-crore turnover mark on a single day has reassured our belief that our retail operations are able to provide the best value to Indian consumers. More importantly, this could be a vital indicator that consumer confidence continues to remain buoyant in India.”
The company has a retail presence in around 64 cities and 65 rural locations across the country; its multiple formats cover over 10 million square feet of retail space.