Food safety regulator FSSAI has issued draft guidelines for standards of instant noodles and has proposed that egg powder may be added.
According to a PTI report: The notification has been issued in wake of maggi controvesry last year, so that to bring more clarity in regulating the instant noodles products.
Instant Noodle means product prepared from wheat flour and/ or rice flour and/ or flour of any other cereals, millets and legumes, Food Safety and Standards Authority of India said in a notification.
“Starches, dried fruits and vegetables, nuts, edible protein and egg Powder may be added, if required,” the regulator said in a notification.
Besides instant noodles, the food regulator also issued draft guidelines for quality standards of fortified atta, fortified maida, durum wheat maida, quinoa, fortified rice, instant noodles, tapioca sago or palm sago and pearl millet flour.
Earlier this year on April 1, FSSAI had asked state authorities to launch proceedings against only those noodle or pasta companies that had taste-enhancer MSG in their products despite carrying ‘no MSG’ or ‘no added MSG’ label on the packets.
Glutamate is naturally found in some common foods such as milk, spices, wheat, and vegetables.
In June last year, FSSAI had banned Nestle’s Maggi noodles over allegations of high lead content and the presence of MSG above permissible limit.
The Bombay High Court lifted the nationwide ban on Maggi noodles, and asked Nestle India to go for a fresh test of samples in three independent laboratories across India.
Nestle re-launched Maggi noodles in Indian markets in November 2015.
The notification has been issued in wake of maggi controvesry last year, so that to bring more clarity in regulating the instant noodles products
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