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Isha Ambani Likely to Join RILs Consumer Facing Business

Mukesh Amabani's 22-year-old daughter Isha Ambani is likely to be the next face of the consumer-facing business of RIL according to media reports. Isha is currently in the US working with McKinsey & Co. as a consultant.According to an...

Automated Retail Solutions in Supermarkets

In the past few years, automated retail solutions — the use of machines to sell retail products — have been growing exponentially as many retailers and national brands are looking for ways to build brand awareness and expand into...

Instant Noodles Market in India

The instant noodles category in India was, in a sense, created by Nestlé with the introduction of their Maggi brand in mid-1980s. The concept of ‘2-minute noodles’, positioned as a quick snack option for children, found acceptance with both...

Probiotics: Daily Dose of Good Health

Modern lifestyle is increasing the health consciousness among consumers creating new health food categories and triggering a rise in the sale of health products. One of the most recent entrant is probiotics, which made its debut in the Indian...

Getting Eco-Friendly to Boost Bottom Lines

In boardrooms, supplier meetings, CSR reports and websites, retailers across the country are proclaiming their commitment to, and achievements in, sustainability. Still, the debate continues over who the genuine leaders are, and shoppers are weighing in with their views...

Digital Marketing & ROI

Today, digital marketing is — or should be — a critical element of any CPG or retail marketer’s plans. As the amount of time, resources and funding devoted to digital marketing have grown, so has scrutiny from senior management,...

Lighting in Supermarkets

Light-emitting diode (LED) technology continues to evolve in efficiency and application since its invention 50 years ago by a General Electric scientist. Today, LEDs are touching virtually every fixture in the grocery store, and many supermarkets are looking for...

Cross Merchandising for Profit

Cross-merchandising is fundamental to grabbing extra profit through increased impulse sales opportunities. Salad dressing in the produce case, stir-fry veggies in the meat case, wooden spoons for sale almost anywhere — all generate easy additional sales. The frozen food...

Stocking Oral Care Products in Grocery Stores

Like other segments of the U.S. economy, the oral care market has had its ups and downs. Knowing which product categories are hot, and which ones aren’t, can help buyers create a set that will give them something to...

Baby Food: Addressing Convenience

Knowing that time is at premium for new parents, savvy grocers and manufacturers are addressing convenience in a major way. To be sure, parents are increasingly relying on the ease and increasing sophistication of supermarkets’ dedicated sections as a...

Stock-Outs: Ousting Customers

In the retail industry, customer experience, satisfaction and service are fast becoming the limiting differentiators among retailers all over the globe. Increasing competition is fashioning pressure on retailers to improve both inventory turnover and customer service. Here, poor logistic...

Branding of Fruits & Vegetables

Branded fruits and vegetables are playing an increasingly critical role in fresh food, boosting the bottom line in produce departments across the nation. It’s a trend with benefits for consumers and retailers alike, as shoppers continue to demand more...

Morning Stores: Going Steady

Right in the centre of the trendy Greater Kailash Part-I (GK-I) market of Delhi stands the iconic Morning Stores, one of the most well-known progressive grocers of the national capital. The 4,000 sq ft store spans two floors of...

Imported Foods on Modern Retail Shelves

Wine corked at Nasik valley is still not able to fetch the premium which the sparkling bottles of red wine from Italy or France are getting on modern retail shelves. The imported tag automatically adds the exceptional sense to...

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Latin Quarters targets Rs 200 crore revenue by FY26, eyes global entry: CEO Rahul Bhalla

The womenswear retailer ended the previous fiscal year with around Rs 108 crore in revenue and is aiming for...