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When it’s Fashionable to be Non-Fashionable!

Finally, we have a fashion trend that assures no big hole in the pocket and still makes you look cool...

Cook, Eat & Enjoy

Modern-day cook studios have become a destination for cooking workshops and classes, for food tours and events, book launches, staff...

Instant Gratification

A new entrant in the Indian market, Engage! Instant Feedback software, designed by British company Luxury Academy, is making inroads...

Retailers Need Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy

Reliance Delight stores that sold a range of fresh and frozen meats and seafood were closed because of demands from...

Fibre Play

Images Business of Fashion takes a quick look at fibres that rule the roost. Cotton the most preferred fabric for intimate...

Mood and Emotion Sensing Device – A more VISUAL Shopping Experience @ Retail Stores

The advancement of technology has amazed the world and shall continue doing so by constantly fusing imagination with reality. It...

Organic – Hope or Hype?

The organic movement has touched a variety of products, including clothing, cosmetics and home products. Possibly the most emotive area...

Effect of Packaging on Consumption

When Shakespeare said “fat paunches have lean pates”, he was not only structuring his play but penning down the undeniable...

Mobile Marketing: Boosting Mobile Share

While US marketers agree that mobile communications are essential to engage and motivate customers, two-thirds say they don’t really understand...

Hybrid Model: A Fad or Market Reality

Retailing in India is not just about offline (brick-and-mortar) model or online (e-commerce). There is a huge gap between these...

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Motilal Oswal MF sells Zomato shares for Rs 646 crore

Motilal Oswal MF sold more than 2.84 crore shares or 0.3 per cent stake in Gurugram-based Zomato New Delhi: Motilal...