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D2C brand Snitch

Snitch attains 2.4 % share in men’s e-commerce fashion in India

It recently launched a flagship store in Pune’s Amanora Mall, which is the brand’s 11th storeNew Delhi: D2C fashion startup Snitch has acquired a 2.4 % market share in the men's fashion e-commerce segment, the company announced in a...

D2C brand Snitch to enter Telangana, keeps Kerala and Tamil Nadu as next focus

The new 3,500 sq. ft. store will be the 10th from the companyNew Delhi: Bengaluru-based D2C brand Snitch which runs around nine stores plans to open the 10th store in Sarath City, Hyderabad marking its entry into the state...
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68% MSME retail owners witness growth in business post-adoption of digital tech: Report

About 29% MSMEs used accounting software, followed by POS software and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software at 17% and...
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