In Focus
It is a pin code in India, Safexpress delivers there: Rubal Jain, MD
Rubal Jain, Managing Director, Safexpress Pvt. Ltd. on the leading logistics player's strengths, focus areas, and future plans If it is a pin code in India, Safexpress delivers there, claims Managing Director Rubal Jain. According to him, Safexpress, which...
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Cult.Sport partners with GoKwik to offer safe COD service
The goal of the partnership with GoKwik is to further strengthen Cult.Sport's presence in remote towns and cities of India where COD is a preferred mode of paymentNew Delhi: Sports-first D2C brand Cult.Sport partnered with eCommerce enabler GoKwik to expand cash-on-delivery...
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Mattlook Cosmetics partners with Swiggy Instamart for 10-minute delivery
Instamart will feature Mattlook's products across all categories of makeup like face, lip, and eye essentialsBengaluru: Colour cosmetics brand...
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