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India plans

Brazil-based houseware major Tramontina to enter the country with ‘Made for India’ products

The 113-year-old global company will sell its hyper-localised products in general trade, modern trade and its D2C channelsMumbai: Brazil-based kitchenware and cookware major Tramontina is set to enter the Indian market with a premium range of cookware, knives,...

Domino’s aims to double store count to 4,000 in India in 5-6 years

India is now the second biggest market for Domino's after the US in terms of the number of operational stores and among the top five globally in terms of revenueNew Delhi: Leading American pizza restaurant chain Domino's plans to...

The Body Shop to focus on growing presence in tier 2, 3 cities in India

It will also increase its presence on quick commerce to improve its reach and be accessible to more customers across the countryMumbai: British ethical beauty brand The Body Shop will focus on expanding its presence in tier 2 and...
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68% MSME retail owners witness growth in business post-adoption of digital tech: Report

About 29% MSMEs used accounting software, followed by POS software and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software at 17% and...
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