Indian Retail Industry
Budget 2023: What Samir Kumaar Modi of Modi Enterprises expects
A boost to consumption and expediting National Retail Trade Policy is on the Budget 2023 wishlist of Samir Kumaar Modi, managing director of Modi Enterprises
As per reports, the Indian retail industry contributes to around 10% of India's GDP with...
Exclusive: Indian Retail Industry: Growth, Trends, Challenges, and Opportunity
Retail industry in India is undoubtingly one of the fastest growing retail industry in the world. It is the largest among all industries accounting to 10 per cent of the country GDP and employs around 8 per cent of...
Shopping Centres
General Budget and What it means for the Retail Real Estate Industry
Where real estate is concerned, the Finance Minister (FM) has proposed some pragmatic and much required changes in FDI policies for the real estate sector in the maiden Union Budget 2014-15. Towards that, the minimum requirement of the built...
Marche–Make your food exotic!
Indian Retail Industry is undergoing a major transformation and is in the cusp of a new revolution. With 7 per cent Organized Retail spreading its tentacles, the sector is undergoing new challenges. Retailers are shifting from Value Retailing to...
Super Bachat–Your own retail chain
“It was the best of times; it was the worst of times” truer words cannot represent the Indian Retail Industry. With the FDI debate sparking, the small retailers i.e. the Kirana store owners continue to attract shoppers. However with...
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How D2C brand Put Simply is making waves in Indian skincare
For the financial year 2024-25, the brand has set a revenue target of Rs 2 crore
Founded in 2022 by...
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