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Legrand omnichannel operations in India

Legrand opens over 25 zip stores across India

The stores are situated in cities including Mumbai, Nashik, Ahmedabad, Udaipur, Raipur, Bilaspur, Hyderabad, Bengaluru, Chennai, Tiruppur, Cochin, Patna and Madurai Bengaluru: Electrical and digital building infrastructure specialist Legrand has expanded its modern trade presence with the launch of over 25...

Electricals brand Legrand launches D2C platform

The E-Shop is equipped with a dedicated call center and machine learning powered 'Chatbot Liva,' offering real-time transaction updates, product inquiries, and complaint handlingMumbai: Electricals company Legrand India has launched a direct-to-consumer platform E-Shop to cater to homeowners as...
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68% MSME retail owners witness growth in business post-adoption of digital tech: Report

About 29% MSMEs used accounting software, followed by POS software and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software at 17% and...
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