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From Gut Feeling to Big Data: How FMCG Brands Are Reading Your Mind (and Wallet)

Today, insights gleaned from market research and consumer behaviour are empowering Indian FMCG brands to comprehend their customers better and craft targeted strategiesIn the ever-evolving landscape of the Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) sector in India, the transition from gut...

56% of online shoppers found ratings on eComm sites to be positively biased: LocalCircles survey

Only 9% of eCommerce or online users said platforms have enabled an interface to spot sponsored easily or influencer reviews and ratingsNew Delhi: According to survey findings, nearly 56% of online shoppers surveyed by community social media platform LocalCircles...
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68% MSME retail owners witness growth in business post-adoption of digital tech: Report

About 29% MSMEs used accounting software, followed by POS software and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software at 17% and...
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