Procter & Gamble
Beauty & Wellness
China lays down safety standards for skincare and beauty products
China's State Food and Drug Administration (SFDA) would soon issue an implementation plan for monitoring safety of cosmetics and skincare products. This will be the country's first safety assessment and monitoring system that will lay strict standards to...
Beauty & Wellness
P&G pulls up its socks to increase its market share
Procter & Gamble Co. completed its mission to reach out to more consumers in 2010, helping the firm to reverse its market share losses, which it incurred an year ago. “In fiscal 2010, we reached an additional 200 million...
Henkel ranked top in Germany; 2nd in Fortune’s list
Germany-based leading home and personal care products manufacturer Henkel has topped the list among the most admired company in Germany. Further, the company stood second in Fortune’s global list in soaps and cosmetics category, according to a company press...
RAMMS and JC Williams Group form JV
RAMMS, one of the leading end-to-end retail consultancy providers, has entered into a strategic alliance with JC Williams Group (JCWG), North America. The partnership firm is named RAMMS – JC Williams Group India.The new company will bring together RAMMS’s...
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Primark, Argos lead the UK’s hottest brands list
Both Primark and Argos achieved a 94% brand awareness among the respondents of the survey followed by Marks &...
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