Quick Service Restaurant
The Chinese Way
Gone are the days when the nearest Chinese restaurant was located at a distance of about 10 kilometres from your place. The growing awareness of Chinese cuisine in India has effectuated a revolution in catering services. Any number of...
Nirula’s: The charge of the old brigade
For many an adult Delhiite, Nirula's is a part of the growing-up years - indeed, so much a part that the memories all merge and fade into one another. Perhaps just one of those things that one loves and,...
QSR’s mantra for success
Quick Service Restaurant (QSR) business is growing at a fast pace in India. The organised QSR business in the country is estimated to be over Rs 20 billion and has been growing at a CAGR of around 40 per...
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Latest News
The Indian Garage Co. opens new stores in Hyderabad and Kochi
The expansion is part of the brand's larger offline growth strategy, targeting EBO sales to account for 30% of...
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