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retail sales growth in India

Retail sales grow 3% y-o-y in May 2024: RAI Survey

Sales in South India showed the highest increase at 4%, followed by East and West India at 3% each and North India at 2%Bengaluru: Retail sales in May 2024 showed a gain of 3% as compared to the sales...

Retail sales grow 4% y-o-y in April 2024: RAI Survey

Sales in North, South, and West India grew by 5% each, followed by East India with a growth of 2%Bengaluru: Retail sales in April 2024 showed a gain of 4% as compared to the sales levels during the same period...

Retail sales grow 8% y-o-y in March 2024: RAI Survey

According to the survey, sports goods reported a growth of 11% followed by apparel and beauty showing a growth of 10% each as compared to sales levels in March 2023 Bengaluru: Retail sales in March 2024 showed a gain of 8%...

Retail sales grow 9% in July 2023 vs July 2022: RAI Survey

According to an RAI survey, QSR and Food and Grocery recorded a growth of 15% and 14% respectively, while jewellery grew 12% in July 2023  as compared to the same period last year Mumbai: Retail sales in July 2023 showed...
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With a keen eye for detail and a deep understanding of marketing dynamics, Shrutie Kher thrives on bringing brands...
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